Tuesday 24 May 2011


I LOVEDancing With the Stars!!!

I've been trying to figure out why I like it so much all season long.

This is what I have come up with:

1. They can make anyone look FABULOUS no matter what their body shape or weight in those super frilly and skimpy clothes. I think I need to borrow their tailor (except that blue monstrosity Kirstie wore once)

2. I am in complete awe of the muscle control that those professional dancers have over EVERY PART OF THEIR BODY! This is why I can't dance. And why I am mesmerized by these dancers.

3. I am a super-hot dancer trapped in this uncoordinated and giant body. I'm just not quite motivated to break out. Yet.

4. Maks has such amazing confidence and abs.

5. I like listening to songs I don't normally like/hear and have them create a whole new feeling/memory to go along with the song, expanding my musical world.

6. My girls are so entertaining when they run up and down the stairs to change their outfits to match (sometimes quite loosely) the girls and dance along with the show. Thanks to Julie's sister (can't remember her name) who gifted us all her costumes from at least 8yrs of dance. I'm thinking I'll have to tape off these last few episodes so they have a dvd to watch in the off season.

7. I'm just a sucker for the reality/live competition shows. I want to be on them ALL!

And now you know what is in my head.

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