Saturday 4 June 2011


I love the calm feeling have when I know that something is right.

Like when there's a decision to make and I've come to my conclusion with no doubts.

Or amid chaos (that I have no control over) and I just feel peaceful because I know that it will all work out.

Or when I see other people making decisions that I would not make, but they have the faith and determination to see it through.

Or amidst change (which is HARD) and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.

Some people would call it ignorance or denial or avoidance or weakness, but I see it as having faith in a higher power that knows us so well that every circumstance that we encounter makes us stronger and more able to survive the next hardship (which will inevitably come).

Needless to say, I feel at peace right now.

And it is good.

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