Saturday 4 June 2011


I love the calm feeling have when I know that something is right.

Like when there's a decision to make and I've come to my conclusion with no doubts.

Or amid chaos (that I have no control over) and I just feel peaceful because I know that it will all work out.

Or when I see other people making decisions that I would not make, but they have the faith and determination to see it through.

Or amidst change (which is HARD) and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.

Some people would call it ignorance or denial or avoidance or weakness, but I see it as having faith in a higher power that knows us so well that every circumstance that we encounter makes us stronger and more able to survive the next hardship (which will inevitably come).

Needless to say, I feel at peace right now.

And it is good.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


I LOVEDancing With the Stars!!!

I've been trying to figure out why I like it so much all season long.

This is what I have come up with:

1. They can make anyone look FABULOUS no matter what their body shape or weight in those super frilly and skimpy clothes. I think I need to borrow their tailor (except that blue monstrosity Kirstie wore once)

2. I am in complete awe of the muscle control that those professional dancers have over EVERY PART OF THEIR BODY! This is why I can't dance. And why I am mesmerized by these dancers.

3. I am a super-hot dancer trapped in this uncoordinated and giant body. I'm just not quite motivated to break out. Yet.

4. Maks has such amazing confidence and abs.

5. I like listening to songs I don't normally like/hear and have them create a whole new feeling/memory to go along with the song, expanding my musical world.

6. My girls are so entertaining when they run up and down the stairs to change their outfits to match (sometimes quite loosely) the girls and dance along with the show. Thanks to Julie's sister (can't remember her name) who gifted us all her costumes from at least 8yrs of dance. I'm thinking I'll have to tape off these last few episodes so they have a dvd to watch in the off season.

7. I'm just a sucker for the reality/live competition shows. I want to be on them ALL!

And now you know what is in my head.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Mmm. Salad.

Is it bad that I have twice as much cheese than tomatoes in my salad?

Oh and did I mention that there's no lettuce in my salad?

But there's tiny red peppers!

It was really yummy.

Extreme Dissapointment

Sometimes I think that extreme couponing looks a lot like hoarding. There is no way anyone needs a 4ftx6ft wall of toothpaste. I understand saving money, but some of that will expire before they can all be used. I mean, can anyone really use 100 bags of croutons?

A couple of other things that bug me about the show:

-Some of the people are counting their on-your-next-order coupons twice.

-480 razors?!?? You have got to be kidding me!

-The stores around here won't let you use unlimited coupons to buy massive amounts of the same items. Most have the limit of 4per transaction.

-It really seems like an addiction. I know how it feels to do a great job saving at the grocery store, although I won't buy stuff just so my savings are bigger. If I don't buy it (because it's not something I will use) I'm saving money, too!

-The "doubled coupon for .50 more than it's on sale for" is awesome, but again, my stores cut off those coupons at the sale price. Boo!

-It seems that if you don't use something (YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A CAT!!!) more of these people could donate to local shelters or other worthy cause.

-I can't do these kinds of shopping trips because my local stores have ridiculous restrictions. And unkind coupon police.

That being said-

I love finding good deals and feel that if it's not on sale AND with a coupon it is overpriced. That being said, just being on sale is sometimes as good as it's going to get. And I LOVE being able to use on-your-next-order coupons to get the luxury stuff that doesn't go on sale or have coupons available.

I really wish my local stores played nicely with others.